Merchant Training & Resources
Thank you for being a participating business in the Downtown Lynchburg Gift Card program. Use this page to train new staff, access program documents, or even give yourself a little refresher!
New EML Program Documents
EML User Guide.
Download the user guide. This one-sheet is great to keep near your POS.
Check the Balance.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that the customer is aware of their current balance on the card. If the transaction exceeds the balance of the card, it will be declined. This can be avoided by splitting the tender and running the card for the exact balance.
Vintage Swipe It Program Documents
Card Swap Document
On the odd chance that you receive a “Vintage Card” as payment, please inform the guest that they will need to contact DLA to get their card swapped to the new program. You can provide the with the printed business card shown for more instructions. Need more business cards? Let us know!
Business Documents
Submit Merchant Agreement.
It’s only necessary to fill out the Merchant Agreement Form when initially onboarding for the program.